Building your Reputation with Public Relations

Why should you invest in Public Relations? Your brand or company’s public image is more important than ever, especially nowadays, with so many eyes on you and ample access to information that could expose companies with just one click. On top of that, 63% of most companies’ overall value is dependent on public image. Public …

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In the Shoes of a Graphic Designer…

What does a Graphic Designer do? A graphic designer conveys information visually, uniquely, and creatively. They create anything from magazines, advertisements, posters, billboards, packaging, logos, and almost any marketing material imaginable. Many people nowadays associate graphic design with digital products, but it’s been around long before the invention of technology. The first traces originate back to communication through …

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Web Development Wizard: Building Your Dream Website

What role does a web developer play in my website? A web developer is responsible for programming the code that tells websites and web applications how to operate. They program technical instructions dictating functionality. A developer may design or create content, but their main role is to build and maintain websites. There are three types of …

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