7 Critical Website Tips That Will Help Your Business

Some of our website tips are not by any means new; they are just applied to the world’s new way of finding information – websites. Following these simple tips will ensure that people find your website. Once there, they should be encouraged to contact you so you acquire a lead. Make Your Website Mobile Friendly …

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How to Protect Your Images and Content

With the growth of the internet, image theft and copyright violations have become one of the biggest issues facing website owners. Now with the addition of sites like Pinterest, Flicker, and even Google Images, it is almost impossible to stop your images from being stolen. Is there anything you can do? While a website owner …

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Why Page Speed is Important to You

We live in an age of technology where everything is getting faster by the minute. One would expect the same of all the websites in existence, but there are still over 10 million websites that are penalized by search engines each year due to bad performance and speed issues. How does the speed of your …

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