Via Idea #7: Partnering Direct Mail with Email

A client recently asked the question: Does direct mail or email marketing work best in reaching new and existing customers? Using both methods is often the best choice.

Consider that people receive less snail mail and more email than ever before. Even if you have a twenty percent open
rate from an email you’re still missing eighty percent of
that audience.

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Advertising is all about delivering the right message at the right time to those who want or need what you have to offer. The more times someone sees or hears from you, the more comfortable they’ll be with your product or service when it’s time to make a purchase.

Using more than one medium lets you target your message in different market segments as well. More mature audiences still prefer postal mail while younger audiences tend to respond to email, Facebook ads and other online messages.

Keep in mind that the ultimate success of any marketing effort depends on the relevancy and the offer. Tweak the offer and message to fit the audience. Track the results. Use what you learned to follow up with calls and additional email and paper mail communications.

Contact us for more ideas on reaching your target market.
Did you know?
We live in a mobile society!
• Every month, approximately three
percent of email addresses change.
• Approximately one percent of physical
addresses change every month.

VIA Idea #6: Taking a Moment to Say “Thanks”

Have you ever heard of a Thankathon? I recently heard the term for the first time during a nonprofit’s board retreat. The presenter asked how many people in the room had ever gotten a thank-you call after donating money or time to any organization or cause. Only one person raised her hand.

After a short discussion, this group decided to adopt the idea and soon will be splitting up their donor list to call to say thanks. Whether your business is nonprofit or for profit, whether you are a sole proprietor or have hundreds of employees, whether you make medical equipment or cut hair, it’s an initiative worth considering. No hidden agenda. No sales pitch at the end of the conversation. All that’s necessary is a pure and simple “thank you” to those who put their faith in you and your products or services.

If calling every one of your clients by yourself isn’t practical, think about other ways to connect and say thanks. Could you make two calls every day, year round? Split up the call list with key staff? Write notes? In this electronic age, receiving a handwritten note is something so unique that we post any we get to our break room bulletin board!

As VIA staff celebrates Thanksgiving with our families and friends, know that we appreciate and sincerely thank you.

VIA Idea #5: Tell it All, Tell it Fast and Tell the Truth

We’ve learned in Crisis Communications 101 that it is always best to admit a mistake up front and do whatever possible to re-establish credibility and confidence with your audiences. Never lie, deny or hide your involvement. If you ignore the situation it will only get worse.

David Letterman’s recent admissions were text book. We can’t say he came out with his reputation intact, but he beat his blackmailer by going public with the truth.

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