VIA Idea #1: Invest in Paid Search as Part of Your Marketing Plan

Internet searching is so commonplace that Webster lists “Google” as a verb.  People ask search engines questions; they seek information and even how to spell a word.  Your prospects are searching for companies that can provide what they need.  They are looking for you.

There are two types of listings that show up as a result of a search.  The natural listing is the wider portion to the left side of the page.  Paid listings are the ads on the top and the right side of the page. 

Research found that 20 percent of searchers click on the paid ads when looking for retail sites.  And most importantly, 3 percent of those bought something. In comparison, a direct mailer that nets a three percent response is considered excellent. 

They also found visitors from both the paid and the natural listings spend an average of six minutes on a website.  It’s because they are looking at something that is relevant.

Here’s how it works:
you set the monthly budget for paid searches and can cancel at any time. Your ads drive people to your website, where they’ll find more information about you.  You will be capturing the attention of a prospect at the time they need your product or service.  Paid searches are available on Google, Google partner sites, Yahoo, Facebook and other sites. What a wonderful world!

Email us today for help in setting up paid ads or to assist with your entire marketing plan. We’ll show you how to track the results and tweak the words.

Statistics found in Advertising Age and compiled recently by Compete (a unit of TMS Media).