Unlocking Gen Z’s Market Potential

Understanding Generation Z

Generation Z, or Gen Z or Zennials, follows Millennials and precedes Generation Alpha; this cohort includes people born between 1997 and 2012. Like all age groups before, experiences profoundly influence Gen Z. Generation Z has encountered events such as pandemic lockdowns, economic instability, and internet presence.

Notably, they are the first generation to have the internet integrated into their daily lives from a young age, known as internet natives. However, growing up with the internet can be a double-edged sword. While it allows for constant connection and communication, it can also create a false image of people’s lives, leaving viewers unsatisfied or even depressed about their own lives.

Generation Z relies on the internet for entertainment, work, shopping, dating, making friends, and finding information and is rapidly emerging as a dominant force in the market. Here are three ways your business can best market to this age group: by knowing who they are, what they value, and how to gain their attention.

Know what Generation Z values. What does Gen Z like?

According to a McKinsey study, 73% of Generation Z reported trying to purchase from companies they consider ethical. Nine of ten Zennials believe companies are responsible for addressing environmental and social issues.

Zennials value:

  • Authenticity
  • Ethical values
  • Experiences
  • Health and wellness
  • Self-development
  • Sense of connection to a brand
  • Transparency/trust
  • Independence

Businesses achieve value by interacting with consumers, sharing behind-the-scenes content, and hosting engaging polls and competitions on social media. Gen Z wants to feel involved in the brand, almost like a personal connection.

Knowing Generation Z by comparing them with Millennials

Numerous similarities exist between the age groups, primarily attributed to the significant rise of social media and the internet during their lifetimes. However, there are also distinct differences.

What Are the Core Characteristics of Generation Z? - The Annie E. Casey  Foundation

Studies indicate that capturing the attention of Millennials is significantly more challenging than it was with previous generations. Millennials perceive life as an ongoing learning journey, so creating content that is informative and relevant to their interests may sustain their attention over extended periods. Additionally, this generation embraces multitasking as it enhances efficiency.

n contrast, Gen Z prefers consuming content in shorter bursts. With constant exposure to various media, brands must stand out quickly for any chance of capturing their attention. While not necessarily prioritizing formal learning, this age group is interested in self-improvement, although only sometimes aligned with traditional educational pursuits like the Millennials.

How to get Generation Z’s attention. How can your business gain it?

Before we can understand how to capture the attention of this cohort, we need to dive deeper into the different kinds of attention.

Most of us have likely experienced driving to work while listening to music. In this scenario, our focus alternates between the music and driving, demonstrating a low level of selective attention to both tasks.

Caucasian guy using mobile phone while watching TV at home Stock Photo |  Adobe Stock

Another common example is scrolling through social media while a game or TV show plays in the background. Occasionally, we tune into a specific play or scene, displaying selective attention to one thing while primarily focusing on another.

Therefore, it’s not necessarily that our attention spans are getting shorter, but rather that our attention is being pulled in more directions than in previous generations. This can make it quite challenging for businesses to compete for consumers’ focus.

As a business aiming to reach consumers with a message or product, you must encourage consumers to shift their attention from what they are intentionally focusing on to unintentionally paying attention to you.

So, what are some ways you can shift their attention?

  • Relatability
  • Video Content
  • Storytelling
  • Staying current with trends
  • Developing a brand personality
  • Incorporating influencers

Take your marketing to the next Generation with our help.

With Generation Z’s up-and-coming buying power, they will soon wield more influence than any other age group, making it essential for businesses to adapt their marketing strategies accordingly. The three ways your business can best market to Gen Z areto know who they are, what they value, and how to grab their attention.

Call us if you need assistance learning the best marketing strategies for your business!

Website Solutions For ADA Compliance

Making the Internet Accessible.

We know just the word “compliance” is probably a bad idea to place in an introductory sentence, but please hear us out. If your website is not accessible to people with disabilities, it is not compliant with the law. 

Everyone knows about accessibility in physical public places and ensuring accommodations for everyone. A few years ago, The Americans with Disabilities Act said accessibility also applied to the digital realm, or more specifically, your website

It is estimated that over 250,000 digital accessibility-related demand letters are sent to businesses each year. E-commerce businesses saw the highest amount of cases filed. The majority of these result in settlements, which can cost you. Those that aren’t resolved can escalate into full-blown lawsuits. We feel it’s our duty to let you know.

What are the ADA Accessibility Guidelines? 

Here is a list of the main Accessibility guidelines: 

  • All text on the website must be readable by screen readers. 
  • The website must provide text for images and videos. 
  • The website must allow users to turn off media. 
  • The website must prohibit users from using seizure-causing content. 
  • The website must be consistent with navigating tools. 
  • The website must help users with explanations and instructions.
  • The website must be completely accessible by computer.

The main complaint many small businesses had about this new ADA addition was that website updates such as these are very costly and a significant time investment. Many companies have not been able to afford the changes, but not complying with the guidelines puts them at risk of a lawsuit. What should you do?

What is the AccessiBE widget all about? 

When this addition to the Americans with Disability act first came into play, there was no efficient way to make these changes. Everything needed to be changed manually. Nowadays, we have great resources like AccessiBE, which is relatively inexpensive and extremely well-designed. 

It’s highly advanced software that automatically scans your website to ensure inclusion practices and opens it to a whole new area of potential consumers. Every 24 hours, AccessiBE will scan your website and fix any potential issues. The first scan can take up to 48 hours. After that, your website will be completely ADA-compliant. 

There are several different price points, the most affordable starting at $49 a month, which is what VIA uses and the most popular. It’s straightforward to set up, and only requires a singular line of code, which is impressive considering the level of technology involved. AccessiBE works side-by-side with people with disabilities so they can ensure their products exceed your expectations.

Open your website to everybody, no matter their ability.

AccessiBE is an excellent resource and we found it to be a worthy investment. Twenty-five percent of the population has a disability holding them back from fully using the internet.


Separate yourself from your competition by showing how diversity, equity, and inclusion are valued.  

You can also earn an ADA Federal tax credit up to $5,000. Your business must employ less than 30 full time employees and have an income of less than $1,000,000. See details on form 8826 page 2. 

To be sure you are ADA Compliant, contact our team to help you install this time-saving, cost-efficient software.

Building your Reputation with Public Relations

Why should you invest in Public Relations?

Your brand or company’s public image is more important than ever, especially nowadays, with so many eyes on you and ample access to information that could expose companies with just one click. On top of that, 63% of most companies’ overall value is dependent on public image. Public image shows the importance of learning to utilize the press in a way that best benefits your business. 

Public Relations can get the word out to attract different news outlets, exposing your content to a larger audience while creating relationships and credibility with current or future customers. It is also relatively cost-effective and significantly cheaper than paid promotions, making communication with your clients much easier and more efficient.

Where did Public Relations come from?

The idea of Public Relations itself stems from the idea of communication, which is a concept that has been around for centuries, dating back to the philosophers of ancient Greece. It wasn’t until the birth of America that mass communication was used, from Samuel Adams spreading political messages that would inspire the famous anti-tax protests to Thomas Paine’s pamphlet “Common Sense,” persuading people to support the American Revolution. Public Relations has continued to evolve and adapt to the rapidly changing world of communications as we know it today.

What does Public Relations involve?

When people think of Public Relations, many will associate it with press releases when, in reality, that’s only a tiny piece of the puzzle.

Public Relations includes:

  • Press releases and digital content
  • News conferences and events
  • Annual reports
  • Newsletters
  • Crisis Communication plans

Each one of these aspects of Public Relations involves a particular set of skills. Here at VIA Marketing, we found the perfect fit for this specialized role. Michelle DiSanto is a creative thinker, a talented writer, organized, and an overall joy around the office. She works diligently to ensure our clients are delighted with her expertise and services.

We decided to gain more insight by asking Michelle a few questions.

When should you use print or digital campaigns?

You must evaluate your audience or customers and answer that question to make that decision. Due to the fact for example, if your audience is older, they are less likely to look at or interact with a digital campaign. However, if your audience is a mixed range of all ages, you should combine print and digital so all age demographics engage with your campaign.

What does your daily task load look like?

I could be planning an event, attending meetings, calling, or emailing back and forth with a client. I could create, write a piece or news article, and work with our graphic artist to meet our client’s needs. Every day is quite different, depending on what is happening.

What makes a good newsletter or Press Release?

Mainly, high-quality, straight-to-the-point content that is informative and factual while keeping the audience in mind.

What is the difference between Advertising and Public Relations?

The strategies are quite different. Advertising seeks to generate more profit and revenue from sales initiated due to specific advertisements. Public Relations, however, aims to create awareness and a more prominent reputation for the company or brand through networking and communication.

What if I need help creating or improving my company’s public image?

At VIA, we can work with you to create a personalized Public Relations strategy to help you gain publicity, build credibility, and build a relationship with your clients. Contact us today, and we will help you reach your goals!