Rich Media is a digital advertising term used to categorize ads that use video, audio, or other elements to interact with and engage the user. The ads use HTML5 programming and can expand, float, peel down, etc. Marketers often include multiple levels of content that will help achieve the client’s goal, whether it is to send simple brand messages or generate clicks.
There are many kinds of engaging rich media ads. Listed below are examples of common ad formats:
Starts as one size within a standard ad placement on a web page and then expands over the page content automatically or when a user interacts with it.
Starts as one size on top of a publisher page, then expands like the expanding example only this pushes down the page content when a user interacts with it.
Floats on top of a publisher’s web page (also known as an interstitial ad). Because it isn’t assigned to a fixed ad slot, it can be almost any shape or size, and you can place it anywhere over a publisher’s content. The ad usually disappears after about 15 seconds if the user doesn’t interact with it.
Digital ads are served directly to your target audience and are programmed by specifying a variety of criteria including geography, income, gender and even interests. Choosing your budget amount for each audience, you can target and test a variety of messages.
If you are considering buying digital advertising, we hope you find this helpful. For a broader survey of ad types, take a look at Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) 2015 Ad Unit Poster.
To maximize your company’s online ad exposure, look to VIA for rich media advertising solutions. Contact Julie for more information on rich media.